Friday, February 20, 2009

Of Movies & Spiders

Went for a movie the other day. Not one you would normally go for though...this one was outdoors. It was quite an interesting experience if I do say so myself. At first I thought it would be one of those drive in movies that you see in 'The Flintstones' but it wasn't quite like that. It was just like any other cinema without the chairs, acoustically designed walls and carpetting. We sat on grass beneath the starry sky and watched the movie on a screen in front of us. It had a romantic ambience to it hehe. Too bad the movie wasn't quite so fitting for the nice outdoor theatre setting. "The Tale of Despereaux". A cartoon about a mouse and...stuff. Didn't think too much of the movie but I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. Quite chilly at night though. Should have brought my jacket.

Dex before the movie and Mike being camera shy.




That's Dilmas and Faith with Charles at the back.

Food...dinner and movie snacks.

About two days ago, we ( my housemates and I) uncovered something pretty interesting living right outside our doorstep....
A Spider!

But it wasn't just any spider. Upon closer inspection, we noticed that it had a red spot on the bottom side of its abdomen and we thought at first that it might be a Black Widow spider! Quite a scary thought huh?....Imagine living with Black Widows just outside your doorstep.


Although, I must admit that I was quite excited with our find hehe...Sakai mah....never see before. I decided to google it to try and identify the species of the spider. And after doing some close inspection and research into this little mystery, I have come to the conclusion that the above mentioned spider is in fact a Redback spider instead of a Black Widow. Below is an image of a Redback spider just for comparison with the above photo. Unfortunately, I could not get a look at the upper face of the spider's abdomen and the photo below happens to be a photo of the spider in that position.

A couple of facts...Both Black Widow and Redback spiders have a characteristic red spot on their undersides shaped like a hourglass. This made identifying the spider difficult. However, the size of the spider was only about over a centimetre long and this better fit the description of the Redback spider rather than the Black Widow. So I'm not really sure, but I just think that it's the Redback spider. If there are any experts out there reading this, correct me if I'm wrong. You might also like to know that Redbacks are considered one of the most dangerous spiders in Australia. So there you go, a little bit of trivia for you readers out there.

And perhaps a little humour to top it off...Here's an extract of a conversation that I had with Mel:

kh@ng says:

theres a black widow living outside my house

mel - says:

black widow?

mel - says:

how do u know her husband died?

mel - says:


mel - says:

is she mourning or smth?

(momentary silence)

kh@ng says:

mel….still the same haha…lame as ever

kh@ng says:

u know black widow right mel?

kh@ng says:

the spider

mel - says:


mel - says:

oh yeah i forgot it was a spider

mel - says:

i took it..literally

mel - says:


kh@ng says:


You crack me up sometimes haha...Anyways, its getting late and I should be off to sleep soon. Posting this was fun but we'll have to look into getting rid of those spiders soon. Certainly won't wanna be the one to do it hehe...


  1. This is cool man.. but i thought Black Widows only live in America. And their venom is neurotoxic :P Mail a Redback to Mel!

  2. Lols yea there was something too about black widows only living in America. And I think Redbacks have neurotoxic venom too...Maybe you could wiki it to find out.
