Saturday, April 4, 2009

Twenty Already?

This post is about two weeks overdue but nevermind. You know what they say....better late than never right? It's fairly obvious what this post will be about as can be seen from the title. So, I've been twenty years old for almost 2 weeks now. Yes, my big two zero is here and it's hit me that I have now been in existence for 2 decades. A pretty huge milestone in ones life I would say. Assuming that we will live to be 100 years old, I am one-fifth of the way there now! I'm filled with jumbled up emotions about myself, people and just about life in general, both a mix of sadness, longing, excitement and joy but I'm glad to say that the negativeness is being drowned by more constructive and optimistic thoughts on life.

First and foremost, a very very big thank you to all of you who remembered my birthday and showered me with greetings from different parts of the world. I really do appreciate every single one of them. And for the gifts and cards, thank you so much once again. I absolutely love every single one of them to bits. I feel more than blessed to know each and everyone of you.

I have been having some thoughts and musings on life recently. I think it might have to do with the fact that I am feeling pretty old now. It seems like we've come a long way haven't we? Time really does seem to pass us by even quicker than before. Hard to believe that we have left our high school days behind us for 2 years already and time is not slowing down for anyone of us. I don't know how everyone is doing but I hope that each and everyone of us are doing alright. The older I get, the more it seems that life is shorter than we think it is. But rather than let this dampen my spirits, I am actually having a rather positive outlook on how I see my life unfold within the years of my youth.

I must admit that life has been pretty harsh at times during the past few years but the lessons I have learnt from those difficult times are invaluable to me today as I look back at them. Without having been through those tough moments, I imagine I would still be young, naive, ignorant boy that I was from my high school days. Without meaning to be arrogant or proud in anyway, I'd like to think that I have grown a lot as an individual during the last few years of my life. I believe that in this period of time, I have tried my best in my endeavours, strived hard and regardless of the many disappointments I have had, those of which still haunt me every now and again, I must say that this journey has been a fruitful and worthwhile experience. Afterall, there have been many triumphs along the way, little trophies here and there that mark moments in life that were worth fighting for, worth cherishing and worth slowing down for every now and again to just think and reflect about life. So when it comes down to it, life has been pretty good after all.

But nevertheless, there is still much much more to work on. In this moment in time, I feel like I want to make the most of my time to really really live these years of my life to my hearts content. There is so much I want to do. From resolving problems and issues in my life that trouble me to places I want to go, qualities I hope to acquire, things I wish to learn and whatever else it is, I will strive to achieve them and I hope that I feel continuously motivated to do so. There is just so much to do and so much to see and it would be impossible to see and do them all but I will like to absorb as much of the world as I can while I am still able to. Reading the list of things that Sjane has made in her blog has somehow spurred me to do the same as well. Lols, I have not made any lists of any form but I have this crazy idea that within the next 10 years of my life, I will like to have accomplished most of these things. Why 10 years u ask? Well, assuming that I will be married by then, personal obligations will definitely hinder me from living out these goals and regret will certainly not be something I will like to live with.

So what would I like to do? I would really love to travel. To all sorts of places to experience cultures and diversity. To indulge in my interests perhaps, learning new skills, sports, cook new dishes and maybe learn a few new musical instruments? Haha I don't know, there's just so much I feel like doing and the clock is ticking away. A little too ambitious perhaps? Maybe...but then again, enthusiasm may just get you a long way.

"The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible- and achieve it, generation after generation."~ Pearl S. Buck


  1. Nice reflection Mr. Tay. Hope you had a swell 20th! ;)

  2. i didnt know
    Happy 20th birthday Khang Wee!!! :D
    better late than never right!? =.=
