Sunday, April 26, 2009


I'm lacking the inspiration to post anything new these days. Life has been pretty uneventful ever since uni restarted. It has been very routine. Wake up at 7, breakfast and coffee, lectures, tutorials, assignments, nerd-ing in the library at night and going to work three times a week. Stuffed up with all these things I think really makes you lose sense of the time around you. Before you know it, it's Monday all over again and whoop-dee-doo, the previous week just plays out again, like a cassette tape.

Feels weird how life seems to move faster and faster as we age. Remember those days in Kindergarten when a year seems so awfully long? And how we look forward to those end of year holidays that just never ever seem to come? Funny how our perception of time can change so much. I mean time hasn't at all changed, the length of a second has and always will be a second. An illusion created by things that go on in our everyday lives I suppose. You know what's funny as well? How we tend to appreciate the things of the past more now than we do then. Like right now when I'm reminiscing about those days when we were 4 years old and haven't a care or worry in the world or those great times we had in high school or happy moments with friends old and new.

Sometimes I feel like my life is pretty boring. I'm not in any way saying that I don't like my life. Just that I think it lacks the element of fun. Somehow, trying to be focused all the time on what I want to accomplish just doesn't allow much time for anything else. 24 hours a day isn't enough I should say. Hmm, I think that when it comes down to it, perhaps the things that really brings us joy in our lives isn't our accomplishments, wealth or triumphs but rather the memories, happy moments and all the good and non-materialistic things of life.

Someone once said to me, "Money cannot buy you happiness or respect, but it is the most convenient thing in the world". Isn't it weird how most of us live through life chasing after money thinking it will be the solution to all our problems and perhaps that we can even attain happiness by it? Money can be quite deceitful eh?

This post is not meant to be emo in any way. Just felt like ranting that's all. Anyways, it is time for me to rush off to work. Back to life. Ciao...


  1. Money is a means, not an end. Too bad so many people don't realize it. I agree with this post!

  2. dude..25 hours a day wont be enough even for uni people, esp those with heaps of assignments (like me =S)..

    are u somewhat happy to hear from me all of a sudden? hehe..XP

  3. lols...good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well man. Almost there...4 more weeks then holiday!! Thanks for your comment. You take care yea. Stay warm...must be cold there.
