Monday, February 23, 2009

First Day

So Uni starts today...It was dreadful getting out of bed today at 7am. 8 am lectures are *yawns*...not fun. Had some coffee during breakfast and I think that managed to keep me going for the rest of the day. Despite having to wake up early, first day turned out to be quite ok actually. Today, I learned that I will be designing and building robots for Engineering Design and Visual Communications unit. How cool is that! It might just be fun.

Look what I found in my student diary...I thought this was pretty funny so I thought I'd share it with you guys.

Anyway, with Uni starting now, work loads are gonna increase ten fold and I doubt I will have the time to blog as much as I do now. I will try to update as often as I can so pop in once in awhile to check if there's anything new k. And that will be all for now guys. Bye...

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