Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile since I last blogged. I have been pretty busy and occupied with more important things. But, not forgetting that the whole purpose of starting this blog is to help me keep in touch with friends all over the place, I think that it has been left dormant for long enough. Here's some updates on how I've been and what has been happening lately.

Three weeks of uni have already gone by and boy does it feel like only yesterday when it just started. It's been busy and as usual like every semester, I've got quite a lot of catching up to do already. But overall, things are looking pretty good. So what's new? Well, yours truly now works at Hungry Jack's otherwise known as Burger King in America and probably the rest of the world. I have no idea why they call it Hungry Jack's here. It's kinda weird come to think of it. Burger King sounds so much better eh? It feels kinda good to have a job but I have to admit that I like the idea of having a job more than actually having to work lols. It's quite tiring at times and it's challenging for me because now I have to learn to juggle work with school and perhaps a little bit of time for myself here and there. "I'm lovin' it" though (and I quote McDonald's which I really shouldn't be be doing). It feels fulfilling that I am able to make some extra cash so that I won't have to feel too bad everytime I think I'm overspending. Sighs...I don't get free burgers though...yea I know...sad but true.

Two weekends ago, I went to watch 'The Phantom of the Opera' the musical. It was quite spectacular. It was my first time ever attending an event of the sort and it was an exciting and memorable experience.

That's my ticket

Tickets weren't cheap though. Mine was $109.90 and we still sat quite far away from the stage. We couldn't even see the faces of the people on stage properly but nevertheless, it was worth it. The show had an amazing cast. Anthony Warlow who plays The Phantom was just remarkable. All the props, equipment, music and effects really brought out the mood and setting of the play really well. Lols I will not go any further to tell you details of the musical because that will just spoil it for those who haven't yet seen it...and plus, I'm too lazy and sleepy to type it out now...*yawns* (the latter being the main reason). But go see it the next time the opportunity comes around. I recommend it.

I shall be off to sleep soon but before that, congratulations to Mr. Sim Kai Lun and Mr. Aidan Chan on your excellent 'A' level results! May you get into your desired courses of study at the university of your choice. Best of luck to the both of you. Keep us updated yea?

It's nearly 2 in the morning and I should really be going to bed now. So until next time...ciao...